that guy

The Perfect Guy
Hair color?:brown, black, blonde, i don't think it really matters
Eye color?:any color, im not picky :)
Height?:5"8-5"9, or taller than me :P
Six pack?:okay
Long hair or short?:short
Glasses?:it doesn't matter
Eyebrows?:what about them
Big butt or little?:say wutt???!!
Chest hair?:uh.
Buff or skinny?:buff :P
Teeth?:nice teeth
Section 2
Funny or serious?:both
Party-hopper or more stay-at-home?:both
Should he be able to bake or cook?:cook
Does he have a best friend?:yes
Is it okay for him to have a lot of female friends?:i guess, why not?
Out-going or shy?:both are fine
Sarcastic or sincere?:sincere
Does he love his mother?:OBVIOUSLY
Should he watch chick-flicks?:yes
Would he be a smoker?:definitely not
How about a drinking?:not excessively though
And swearing?:it's alright
Would he play with your hair?:huh
Would he have more than one girlfriend at a time?:nooooo wayyyy
Would he pay for you when you're on a date?:hahah. um. it all depends.
Does he kiss on the first date?:doubt it
Where would you go for dinner?:somewhere nice & romantic :D
Would he buy you flowers?:yes
Would he lay under the stars with you and spout random philosophies?:not the spout random philosophies part
Would he write poetry about you?:uhuh
Would he use endearments?:yes :P
Would he hang out with your and YOUR friends?:definitely
How about you hanging out with him and HIS friends?:sure thing
Would he walk you up to the door at the end of the evening?:yes please
Would you hold hands?:okay
Section 3
Does he play soccer?:i don't mind
Football?:doesn't matter
Basketball?:lalala, ok
Water polo?:mhmm
Golf or something equally boring?:golf is not boring! is it?
Does he surf?:that would be cool
Skateboard?:um he doesn't need to do that
Snowboard?:his choice
Can he sing?:yes, definitely
Play the guitar?:yes, for sure
Play piano?:mhmm
Play the drums?:yerp
Can he keep his room clean?:very clean, so it'll contrast mine
Is he an artist of sorts?:i wouldn't mind
Does he write his own music?:yes
Does he have pets?:okay
Section 4
Does he use the word dude?:not too much though
How about tight?:um. that's alright
Would he watch the sun rise and set with you?:mhmm
What kind of car does he drive?:it doesn't matter what car he drives really
How old is he?:around my age? 14-16?
What's his name?:i have no idea...
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