at school, mit and i watched all 7 and 3/4 of 90210. :D

and then. during lunch. catastrophe struck. it was pure disaster. calamity. bleh. big big words. for a big big problem. 

you see. during break today, dani screamed/shouted in my ear. it hurt. and spit flew everywhere. i was EATING

so. during lunch. i decided to get back at the loser. eheh. 
i saw him at the drink place thingy. and mit and i went there. [mit wanted a drink] so i saw a dani-like figure crouched down getting a can from the fridge and i decided to poke the um. dani-like figure. really hard. and. well. 

it wasn't dani.

the dude went YEOWWW really loudly and then i realized it wasn't him. yea. i ran away to hide after that. everybody saw though. and everybody laughed at me. 

meet the toffee person.

birds of a feather flock together.