coz i'm cool like that.

yesterday, i slept from 5pm-7pm, woke up and proceeded to have dinner with my cousins, then slept from 11pm-11am. 

how cool am i? 

and now it is 1pm and i haven't done anything except lounge around laughing at random things because it feels so good to not have to do anything except. urm. homework. and study. and mandarin. and piano. 

oh no. i have piano morrow. and it's a sunday. nooooooooooo. my lounging around time is so limited. :(

the post-it note on my wall is starting to glare at me. and it doesn't have eyes! i think i'm delusional. 

amanda koh finally got around to giving me a father's day card. wanna have a look-see? :D

p/s : meheheh. to view absolutely gorgeous pictures of mit and i, please head on over to her blog, mithrra's blog . yes, we are vain people.

birds of a feather flock together.