mel-on. melon.


i've been so busy lately, it's no joke. :( 

but but but, as my motto goes, find some time to have fun. or something like that. i don't remember. but i do know it has 'fun' innit. and 'time'. yea. OH!

there's always time to have some fun.

i think. as in like, i think that's my motto, not i think there's always time to have fun. pfft.

but i haven't been having much fun lately. i'm always too sleepy or too tired or too busy. even as i'm typing this out, i'm doing geo. hahaha. how awesome am i? :)

ooh. i've sort of divorced skandar and i'm married to tony oller now. i bet all of you are gonna google him and ogle at his prettyness. 

but he's mine.

i suppose you could say skandar and i are separated. until further notice. we're still together. but separated.


sheesh kabeesh. i absolutely loathe not having enough sleep. 

eekadees! it's 8.05! nooooooo.

imma gonna disappear now. the pile of work waiting for me is starting to look scary. 

birds of a feather flock together.