Time : 5.59
Name : Amanda Khoo Ai Ling
Age/Birthday : 18th August 1994
School : Sri Cempaka
Elder sisters : none
Younger Sisters : audrey
Elder Brothers : nada
Younger Brothers : zero
Favourite Liquids [Drinks] : coke! coke coke coke!
Favourite Consumables [Food] : anything fried, salty and greasy.
Favourite Place To Sleep : anywhere comfortable
Flying : is extremely fun. i think. i wanna try one day. hehe.
Swimming / Diving : i can swim fine. i so totally wanna dive. :)
How Much Friends In MSN? : dude. it's many. how many friends. and on msn. how many friends on msn. :) i have enough.
Couple : couple of dollars? what am i supposed to say?
Loved Ones : too many to state
Get Kicked On The Butt : who, you? sure!
Allergic? : not really.
Gastric? : i eat too much.
Whole fortune : urm. fortune cookie?
Age Of Marriage : any age. but hopefully not when i'm 40-something.
Children Wanted : 2. twins. fraternal twins. muahaha!
Age Of Death : urm.
Animals In House : audrey.
Longest fingernail ever kept : i honestly have no idea. ask the prefects! yes! they've fined me loads of times for long fingernails!
Wanted Birthday Present : urm. famous amos.
Q: In your dream, God tells you that you are a billionaire in your dream world and gives you a wish. What would you wish for?
Answer : peace.