chapter 6 of and every color in between is up!

god. the commonwealth essay is sooooo distracting. mine might be pg-rated. hahaha. too violent. when is it due i wonder. i mean. i know it's due uh--this year. monday?


i've gotten round to reading the whole animorphs series. :D idiot kids with a death wish. heh.

not megamorphs and all that. just animorphs. i have this intense need to review it. i'll just voice my thoughts out. yes. :)

[caution spoilers ahead. though i highly doubt any of you read animorphs]

the beginning of the series was pretty boring but i suppose essential. coz it explains everything. it gets more interesting after tobias regains his morphing powers. i really liked marco's narrating. heh. he's also my favourite animorph. him then tobias then rachel then ax then jake then cassie. i don't like cassie. hehe.

the ending didn't do them justice. really.

marco should grow taller! and and and rachel shouldn't have to die because of cassie's stupid mistake! and cassie shouldn't be allowed to live! everybody else had to die and cassie was allowed to live. stupid. seriously. k. a. applegate must be biased. grr.

so yea. all the animorphs including ax except for cassie die. what a twisted sentence.

i wish marco had survived.

birds of a feather flock together.