as for what amanda did today. well, she played taboo. and lost every single round. eheh. then. she watched some whazzit called? elongquision? haha. it sounds like that anyway. after that. amanda watched the two debate teams go before her. they did well. very well.
except for the female dog, daniel chan. he eats turtles AND dogs. nobody be friends with him. bleh. he's mean to poor amanda too. :(
then. it was amanda's turn to deeeeebaaaateeeee! :D
she thought sher may's team did really well. as did hers. she's very proud. :) amanda had fun till 3.30pm. she thought random thoughts and did random things.
example 1 :
andrea : aishah said a good name would be the bored game. get it? get it?
amanda : um. yea. what's so funny?
[mithrra giggles like the maniac she is.]
andrea : but it took me so long to get it!
amanda : ooh! how about ... [drum roll please] THE BORED BOARD GAME!
cue the laughter. :D
example 2 :
amanda koh : so. what games are we doing for the history alive thing? we have to make them feel like women during world war II
amanda khoo : ooh! hahaha! how about, you know, letting them actually FEEL like women? [starts impersonating/demonstrating]
amanda koh : and make papermache boobs!
[mithrra says something here. i think. i don't really remember. it's all fuzzy.]
soooo. yes.
a very big
to everybody.
p/s : mithrra, if you see this, you might wanna go online. like pronto. to see a certain someone's personal message. HAHAHA. i'm right, babe. i'm always right. :)
p/p/s : there's a clue up there. just so you know. or are too dumb to figure it out. heh.