i'm so pathetic. i don't feel like studying K.H. or sejarah. yuckedy yuck yuck. 
i think i'm gonna fail these finals. FAIL i tell you. snicker

lalala. oh. yes. i have just revived fallen angel. ahaha! revived fallen angel. sounds so weird. but yea. i wrote some of chapter 4. i'll post it up after finals. and and and. when i'm done with that, chapter 3 goes down and the NEW and IMPROVED chapter 3 goes up up up and away. oh goody. 

hunky hunky dory. who's dory? why do people say he's hunky? dude. smirk. that was random

so so so. yea. the K.H. textbook is glaring at me and begging me to read it. i must oblige no? it would be rude not to. :)

i'll hurry up and wait.

birds of a feather flock together.