sarah, andrew, daniel and family came over yesterday to celebrate even though dad's birthday is today. 'twas loads of fun fun fun.
we watched quarantine in the dark in my study. which was where manda and i heard the strange sound and saw the face in the window.
then smartypants daniel had to point out it could've been a reflection. boo.
anywayyyyssss. quarantine was alright. pretty violent. there was one part that was pretty scary. the bit where some baby-old-man-zombie popped out.
it was cool how the cameraman hit the zombie lady with his camera. and killed her. eheheh.
sister had a party to go to today. ended up hanging out with rachel and toured her new house. it's TOTALLY COOL! :D all modernesque and interestingly bright.
ahh!! why's the bottom half of this blog post underlined?